
Return from savagery

8 years ago

Is there no madness the God-Emperor Ascendant cannot cure? Call it a strange sign of the times. Some doctors, like Sterman, say they are no...

Is there no madness the God-Emperor Ascendant cannot cure?
Call it a strange sign of the times. Some doctors, like Sterman, say they are noticing more and more millennials coming in because their ears have become deformed from overpiercing and need reconstructive surgery.

And it's not just ear piercing. Many are seeking to reverse the impulsive, perhaps keg-fueled decisions of their not-quite-lost youths. That tongue piercing, that bone through the nose, that conspicuously placed tattoo you got in college may not go over so big now in a job interview, or in the board room. It's time to conform to the real world.

"There has been an influx of people, millennials in particular, who have a lot of body piercings — mainly facial piercings — that they are looking to change," says Dr. Laurence Milgrim, a board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Teaneck. "These are large earring holes, larger than the usual stud hole. When the earlobe and other parts of their bodies are expanded, they have trouble in the classic work force. Nose piercings, ear piercings … and tattoo removal, especially on the neck, where it's noticeable, has become popular."
It's about time. This is a heartening eucivilizational trend. There is an adjective for cultures that adorn themselves with skin stainings and body piercings: primitive. If you're going to get pierced and tattooed, you might as well put a plate in your lip and strap on a penis gourd.

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