
Proof of Gamma

8 years ago

There are doubters about the socio-sexual hierarchy. But the more people pay attention to the way individuals behave, the less they doubt: ...

There are doubters about the socio-sexual hierarchy. But the more people pay attention to the way individuals behave, the less they doubt:
"It is interesting that the one thing that reliably makes people here go nuts is questioning the need to be egoistic or dominant and things like that - I can say almost anything else, criticize anything else, but not that."

They went nuts when you egoistically attempted dominance plays on someone else's blog. The thing is, and this is what makes it funny, you really truly believe you're not transparent.

Now, we can argue about your transparency; they are all saying "gamma", I personally don't have a label for it nor any interest in socio-sexual musings, but what it HAS proven to me, and I am tempted to believe that this demonstration to the audience was exactly Vox' intention, is that he has without doubt identified a behavioural category; you fit it; and his predictive model is working with such perfection as to call into doubt my... well, my doubt.
There is no question that "gamma males" exist, because it is a label applied to an observed behavior pattern repeatedly demonstrated by certain men. It's a taxonomic label, not a theory.

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