
How to Change WordPress Default Admin Username?

10 years ago

Most of the WordPress site user get default name Admin as user. Whenever site owner try to sign in to their account then s/he has to use Adm...


Most of the WordPress site user get default name Admin as user. Whenever site owner try to sign in to their account then s/he has to use Admin as user. But this name is less secured for the users. Because there are many hacker try to hack WordPress site as a result first they try to hack WordPress  account with user name Admin. In this case if we use different user name other than Admin then our WordPress site will be more secured. In WordPress Dashboard you won't able to change Admin name but you can change Nickname and Display name.

In this tutorial I will show you the way to change WordPress default Admin user name with another secured name. And the whole process you have to do through WordPress cPanel.

Step 1 First Log in to your WordPress cPanel
Step 2 Now scroll down and click on phpMyAdmin under Databases.
Step 3 Another page will open. And from there click on Connect now! link. In some cPanel it will automatically connect and login with phpMyAdmin page.
Step 4 Now locate the wp_usersand click on it for Browse the page.
Step 5 If your site has several registered user then you will see a list of all the registered users in that page. Locate the admin username and click on the Edit link on that line.
Step 6 Locate the user_loginfield and replace admin to your new preferred WordPress login name and hit the Go button at the bottom of the page.
That's it, Now it's time to login with your new WordPress user name. So go to WordPress login page and select newly created WordPress username. This will make your WordPress site more secured.

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