
Disable Clickable Link Spam from WordPress Comments

10 years ago

WordPress is more vulnerable for the spammer. So WordPress user must take proper steps before starting their Blog on that platform. There ar...


WordPress is more vulnerable for the spammer. So WordPress user must take proper steps before starting their Blog on that platform. There are millions of spam are spreading through comments over the net.  Most of the comments are not related to the topic and commentator add a clickable link on comments. So Admin should apply a trick thus spammer don't feel interest to make comments on their Blog.


Whenever a commentator leave a comment in WordPress comment section then the link will be clickable. So whenever other user click on that link then it will be redirect to their site. As a result spammer will get a backlink by leaving a comment. We can resist this clickable link by adding a simple script in Theme function.php file. And it will help to disable to turning URLs from comments into actual links. Just follow the below steps-

Step 1 Log in to your WordPress account and go to Dashboard 

Step 2 From Dashboard click on ->Appearance->Editor


Step 3 Now locate Functions.php or Theme Functions.php file from the right column and instantly Function.phpfile will open in Editor.


Step 4 Now add the following line just above the closing php tag ?>

remove_filter('comment_text', 'make_clickable', 9);


Step 5 Finally click on blue color Update File button.


You can check your comments and see that clickable links are no more turned into URL. And now viewers can't click on that link directly.  That's it you have successfully disable clickable links from your WordPress Blog.

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