
What is Affiliate Marketing?

8 years ago

With the great advantages of savings, efficiency and the ability to develop, unlimited links, it seems that Affiliate marketing is the leadi...

With the great advantages of savings, efficiency and the ability to develop, unlimited links, it seems that Affiliate marketing is the leading trend in the "world of digital marketing" today.

Looking at the history of marketing, in some leading countries, the concept of Affiliate Marketing has been around since the 1990s and has flourished to this day. Typically in the US, where there are Amazon Affiliate Marketing programs, Click Bank or CJ Affiliate Marketing platform. However, in Vietnam this market is just heating up through the explosion of affiliate marketing program from Lazada and Associated Marketing Platform ACCESSTRADE from Interspace Vietnam.
So, what is Affiliate Marketing really? And why is it so attractive?
What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing, in simplest terms, is a form of digital marketing built on the "Distributor - Distributor Agent" platform.


  1. An advertiser is a unit, an enterprise that provides products and services online, with the desire to optimize and increase the efficiency of online business.
  2. Partner / Distributor (Publisher) is the unit, the individual who owns the website, blogs are able to participate in distribution of products / advertising campaigns from suppliers to increase incomes unlimited.
  3. User / User is the user of a product or service provider's online presence through images, content posted on a website, blog, or some other Digital Marketing Partner / lung.

Thanks to this tight integration, the supplier's ability to market / sell goods / services as well as the benefits of access to diverse products, the reasonable price of the customer is optimized. , thereby benefiting all three parties involved in the Affiliate Marketing model.
Maximum Savings

Not only that, Affiliate Marketing is also based on the cost per action CPA model - the most optimal model now when it is based on the actual operation of the user. Providers pay only when a customer performs a specific action such as Purchase, Service Registration, Fill information, etc. This reduces the risk to the ad unit because they do not have to pay for it. virtual click, virtual access that other forms of Digital Marketing encounter.


In terms of the benefits of suppliers, partners and consumers, the Affiliate Marketing platform gives the parties more opportunities and more choices.

With Suppliers they can diversify form, reach customers, introduce products.
With Partners who own blogs, their website may choose different vendor campaigns at the same time to increase their revenue.
For consumers, they are given the choice of products and services from many suppliers, which is most suitable for them.
This can be said is a form of Digital Marketing extremely useful and potential development that we need to learn to use in the most effective way, to provide optimal benefits.

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