
Download the new set of wallpaper on iOS 11 GM

8 years ago

The new iOS 11 wallpapers not only embellish the beauty of the OLED display, but are also nostalgic when using iconic images tied to Apple...

The new iOS 11 wallpapers not only embellish the beauty of the OLED display, but are also nostalgic when using iconic images tied to Apple's or first-generation iPhones.

Apple recently unveiled iOS version 11 GM (Golden Master, which is the official version for developers), and some users have quickly download and install this version on the device. suffer from them.
wallpaper on iOS 11 GM

One of the big differences of the iOS 11 GM compared to the previous beta was the addition of a variety of new wallpapers, including black-based backgrounds that fit well into the beauty of the screen. OLED image of the next generation iPhone.

In addition, as this will be the 10th anniversary of the iPhone launch, Apple offers some nostalgic backgrounds, such as the earth-like background image of the first iPhone, or a wallpaper with a background image. Rainbow stripes remind us of the colorful Apple logo used by the company in the 1990s.
Download the wallpaper of iOS 11 GM here (.zip file)