Having a nice cat in the house, the members of the family will feel more fun and filled with love. But if you do not know how to raise, car...
Having a nice cat in the house, the members of the family will feel more fun and filled with love. But if you do not know how to raise, care and training, that cat will bring you a lot of trouble 'difficult to support' offline. Join Lamsao on how to adopt a kitten with 8 helpful tips below.
Choose kittens for the right age
Cats are always a lot of pets you love and want to own a home but not everyone knows how to adopt the best kitten . Do not be too craving for the cats, because if the cat has not reached the right age to separate her mother, then you will have a lot of effort to care for it, not to mention. Its weak resistance should be very susceptible to disease, even death, because it can not adapt to the new habitat.Age selection is a way of raising a kitten to avoid 'hard'
Therefore, if you want to raise cats , you should catch kittens when it is about 8-10 weeks old, weaned and can eat normal food.
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Check the health of the cat before raising
Very fond of farming, but you probably would not like to take on a 'sick cat' by caring not only harder but you also face the risk that family members may be infected. Bacterial infection, virus from it. To check the health of the kittens before adoption, you should take them to a veterinary clinic for tests, treatment (if any), and vaccinations to prevent other common animal diseases. Lovers like leukemia, parasitic diseases, immunodeficiency ...
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Arrange a safe space in the house for kittens
When changing habitat, kittens are shy and fearful of everything around them. In order to be safe, you should have a small angle reserved for it, especially if there are other pets in the house such as dogs. Just like that for a few weeks, self-carving kittens will get used to and adapt to the new environment, then your lovely cat will leave the 'nest' and find yourself a place where it feels. Feel better.When preparing a kitten, prepare a safe and warm place in the house for it
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The way to raise a kitten is to release it freely in the house
Allowing cats the freedom to get used to and adapt to the new environment is a way of raising kittens to avoid future troubles. If you have tied it at a fixed place in the first place, the cat will feel tied up, lost, slower, even tense, fearful. That will make it difficult for kittens to adapt to new habitats.
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Exercise for kittens and time habits
To make caring and raising cats simpler, you need to train for it to live and behave according to the rules. From when, where, or where to go to go to the toilet, where ... where must be practiced since the cat was young.
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Take your kitten to a veterinary clinic
Kittens not only need a veterinary clinic at the time of their adoption and are in the process of growing and growing. You will need to schedule a regular check-up and vaccination every 2-3 months for cats to stay healthy and help protect the health of family members. That is the way of raising pets in general and the way of raising kittens in particular today's young people today.Pay attention to health care and periodical health check so kittens are always healthy
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Care for kittens with a reasonable diet
Besides caring for cats , diet plays a very important role for kittens to develop healthier and more and more drab and lovable. In the pre-capturing period (at 10 weeks of age), kittens will breastfeed for 1 month, then combine both sucking and eating dry food until 10 weeks of age. . After catching the cat, you can give it dry food bought at pet stores, or in supermarkets. You feed three times a day until cats that are three to six months old are reduced to two times a day.
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Contact and create kinship relationships
Create a close relationship with cats from a young age
To create a close relationship with the cat, you need to contact and be close with it from a young age at about 1 to 2 weeks. At the age of 10-12 weeks old, cats are small, so it is easier to catch up with the owner, and if the cat is big or catching the cat when it grows, it will be difficult to wrap people, even keep. Old habits and wild behavior.
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