Are you looking for a good alternative of Google Drive to host your favorite Java Savript and CSS files? Then you must try another Google pr...
Are you looking for a good alternative of Google Drive to host your favorite Java Savript and CSS files? Then you must try another Google product called Firebase.
A website's loading speed depends on a dedicated server hosting. If your hosting site limits its bandwidth then your website will take time to load. Ultimately it will affect your site traffic and SEO.
There was a best solution for blogger that they can host their files and script on Google Drive but last year August 2016 Google Drive has shut down their JavaScript and CSS script hosting service. Still can we upload files but can not host scripts directly from their server.
There is some better alternative to host our files on server like Github but all hosting service has some limitations. Many blogger those who host their script widget on Google Drive, eventually they move their files on Github and YourJavaScript server, because those are free to use.
There is a big news on the air that Google has opened a new door for storing JavaScript and CSS scripts in their hosting service which is known as Firebase. You can move all your scripts to firebase to run your scripts from external source smoothly.
Firebase is a robust Storage that has designed specifically for scale, security, and network resiliency.
In fact there are many other sites that we can use for hosting script but Google is recommending Firebase because it is Google's own services. And to use this service you do not need to create separate account because your Gmail account will help you to login directly into Firebase dashboard.
Step #1: Open a Notepad file and add CSS script or JavaScript. If you are planning to add CSS script then remove below tags.
In case of JavaScript please remove below tags.
Step #2: From notepad click File-> Save as and now type any name for the file and include .css or .js e.g. masonry.js
Step #3: In Save as type field select All Files and make sure Character Encoding UTF-8 has set.
That’s it your CSS or JavaScript file is ready now.
Step #1: First log in to your Google account or Gmail and visit URL.
Step #2: Once the page opens, click Create a New Project. Fill in the project name and country of origin, and then click Create Project.
Step #3: Now locate the vertical menu from left side and navigate to the menu storage. Here you can upload script files (js, css, html, etc.)
Step #4: Click the Upload a file and select the CSS script file or JavaScript file on your computer to begin upload process. To make it more presentable, you can categorize files by creating folders like Google Drive and upload files on specific folder.
Step #5: After uploading the script file we have to grab the file URL to use in a website. So click the file that you want to use in a website and then Firebase will display the file info on the right. Get the file url from Storage locations -> Download URL . Then click on the displayed URL to copy to complete.
Now paste the URL in a notepad. You will see hosting URL created from Firebase is bit longer than Google Drive. But don’t worry this URL will work in any website.
I will show you how to use Firebase hosted file in blogger site. This is pretty easy but you have to apply little trick to make the file compatible for hosting. Please go through the below step-by-step guides.
Step #1: Login to your Blogger site and Go to Blogger dashboard.
Step #2: From dashboard click Theme->Edit HTML
Step #3: It’s time to add the hosted script but you must encode the script first before use. For Encode the URL please use my HTML Encoder Tool Add the hosting URL in Encode and click Convert button and copy the URL for further use.
Generally the Firebase hosted URL will be like below:
Now after encode the URL will be look like below:
Step #4: Now wrap up the encoded URL like below:
For Hosting JavaScript File markup line would be like below -
For Hosting CSS File markup line would be like below-
Step #5: Get back to your Blogger site and add the above encoded hosting URL above/before </head>
Step #6: Finally click Save theme to make the change effect.
A website's loading speed depends on a dedicated server hosting. If your hosting site limits its bandwidth then your website will take time to load. Ultimately it will affect your site traffic and SEO.
There was a best solution for blogger that they can host their files and script on Google Drive but last year August 2016 Google Drive has shut down their JavaScript and CSS script hosting service. Still can we upload files but can not host scripts directly from their server.
There is some better alternative to host our files on server like Github but all hosting service has some limitations. Many blogger those who host their script widget on Google Drive, eventually they move their files on Github and YourJavaScript server, because those are free to use.
There is a big news on the air that Google has opened a new door for storing JavaScript and CSS scripts in their hosting service which is known as Firebase. You can move all your scripts to firebase to run your scripts from external source smoothly.
What is Firebase?
Firebase simply a storage that is stand-alone solution for uploading user generated content like CSS, JavaScript, images and videos. Even you can upload any files from Windows PC, iOS and Android device, as well as the Web. In typical Firebase doesn’t require any server.Firebase is a robust Storage that has designed specifically for scale, security, and network resiliency.
In fact there are many other sites that we can use for hosting script but Google is recommending Firebase because it is Google's own services. And to use this service you do not need to create separate account because your Gmail account will help you to login directly into Firebase dashboard.
How to Create the CSS or JavaScript Files?
For hosting a CSS or JavaScript file first you need to prepare a script file (.css and .js or the like) on your computer. You can easily create CSS or JavaScript Files by using notepad. For example we will create a CSS file in PC. So follow the below steps:Step #1: Open a Notepad file and add CSS script or JavaScript. If you are planning to add CSS script then remove below tags.
CSS Script Here
In case of JavaScript please remove below tags.
<script type='text/javascript'>
JavaScript Here
Step #2: From notepad click File-> Save as and now type any name for the file and include .css or .js e.g. masonry.js
Step #3: In Save as type field select All Files and make sure Character Encoding UTF-8 has set.
That’s it your CSS or JavaScript file is ready now.
How to Host Blogger CSS Script and JavaScript Files in Firebase?
This is really easy process to host files in firebase but many of us don’t know how to do it exactly. I assume that you have already created specific file by following the above guideline and now your file is ready to host in Firebase. Let’s go through the below steps:Step #1: First log in to your Google account or Gmail and visit URL.
Step #2: Once the page opens, click Create a New Project. Fill in the project name and country of origin, and then click Create Project.
Step #3: Now locate the vertical menu from left side and navigate to the menu storage. Here you can upload script files (js, css, html, etc.)
Step #4: Click the Upload a file and select the CSS script file or JavaScript file on your computer to begin upload process. To make it more presentable, you can categorize files by creating folders like Google Drive and upload files on specific folder.
Step #5: After uploading the script file we have to grab the file URL to use in a website. So click the file that you want to use in a website and then Firebase will display the file info on the right. Get the file url from Storage locations -> Download URL . Then click on the displayed URL to copy to complete.
Now paste the URL in a notepad. You will see hosting URL created from Firebase is bit longer than Google Drive. But don’t worry this URL will work in any website.
How to Add Hosing script file in Blogger Site?
Often we need to host file in an external sources. An except self hosted blogging platform like WordPress most of the non-hosted platform required to host a file from an external source. As a Google Blogger user we often host CSS and JavaScript files to run widget or blog page flawlessly.I will show you how to use Firebase hosted file in blogger site. This is pretty easy but you have to apply little trick to make the file compatible for hosting. Please go through the below step-by-step guides.
Step #1: Login to your Blogger site and Go to Blogger dashboard.
Step #2: From dashboard click Theme->Edit HTML
Step #3: It’s time to add the hosted script but you must encode the script first before use. For Encode the URL please use my HTML Encoder Tool Add the hosting URL in Encode and click Convert button and copy the URL for further use.
Generally the Firebase hosted URL will be like below:
Now after encode the URL will be look like below:
Step #4: Now wrap up the encoded URL like below:
For Hosting JavaScript File markup line would be like below -
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
For Hosting CSS File markup line would be like below-
<link type='text/css' href='' rel='stylesheet'>So we just complete the wrapping up work to make it compatible for blogger site.
Step #5: Get back to your Blogger site and add the above encoded hosting URL above/before </head>
Step #6: Finally click Save theme to make the change effect.
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