
They were lied to

8 years ago

As one of the many degreed single women the article is talking about , this is so true it makes my stomach clench. I was lied to. - Girl Who...

As one of the many degreed single women the article is talking about, this is so true it makes my stomach clench. I was lied to.
- Girl Who

She's a lawyer from the country with an Ivy League degree. As easy as it is to condemn her for her choices, and observe that she is experiencing the logical consequences of her actions, we should never forget that these women were deceived.

That doesn't mean that we should white knight for them, or wife them up, or even lift a finger to address their self-imposed problems. But neither should we take pleasure in their plight nor mock their misfortune. They are paying for their mistakes. They will regret - bitterly - their naive attempt to have it all.

The fact that they could not see through the scam because they did not want to does not change the fact that they were scammed.

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