
Warning: SJW

8 years ago

CEOs need to stop talking to recruiters about their employment philosophies: This really happened: While reviewing some calibration profiles...

CEOs need to stop talking to recruiters about their employment philosophies:
This really happened: While reviewing some calibration profiles for an Executive search with the founder and CEO of a company, he tells me that he doesn't think it's a good idea to go after women I've selected because they might want to have children. I was pretty much shell-shocked. Having three daughters, I had to check him on these biases. But it made me wonder how often this might actually happen when selecting talent. And how many opportunities have been lost for women as a result of this exclusion bias? I'm certain this isn't isolated. Has this happened to you?
Executives love to pontificate and lecture about their philosophies of business, hiring, the universe, and everything. In this day of the SJW, who will not hesitate to hang anyone out to dry if it gives them the opportunity to publicly virtue-signal, that is an extremely unwise self-indulgement.

Keep your thoughts to yourself; self-policing is better than being publicly policed. And what sort of service offers to "check you on your biases" anyhow?

I'll pass, thanks.

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