
The worst outrage ever

8 years ago

Woman forced to not pay for man's dinner : A California woman has become the latest victim of alleged dine-and-dash-dater, who is accuse...

Woman forced to not pay for man's dinner:
A California woman has become the latest victim of alleged dine-and-dash-dater, who is accused of repeatedly skipping out on dates before the bill arrives.  The woman, who does not want to be named, said she unwittingly joined LA's most exclusive - and miserable - club on Sunday, when Paul Gonzales fled after eating a small feast at BJ's in Pasadena. The woman met the handsome Gonzales on the dating app Bumble, and said he sent flattering texts before inviting her to dinner.

Perhaps she should have been wary when he ordered around $50 of food for himself alone: 'A glass of Pinot, a Caesar salad with a side of shrimp, a steak, and a baked potato.' That's $50 of food - not including tax and tip. With just half a potato left to go, Gonzales excused himself to take a call on his cell phone - and never returned.
There ought to be a law!

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