This social scientist is going to come in for absolute hell from feminists, but he's telling the simple truth : The consequences of men ...
This social scientist is going to come in for absolute hell from feminists, but he's telling the simple truth:
This isn't rocket science. And the imbalance tends to get worse, not better, as married couples age.
The consequences of men being sex-starved by their wives are deeply worrying. For such a sexual drought has a profoundly negative effect on our society — fracturing families and potentially leading to violence and crime.Not only that, but it makes other, younger men much more likely to avoid marriage as they hear what the experience is like from older men. And indifference from a wife towards his physical needs tends to breed indifference from a husband towards her emotional and material needs.
I’ve found that deep sexual frustration results in men having affairs — which was the case with Suzanne and Michael — and then, all too often, divorce and family breakdown. Sexually starved men are more likely to visit prostitutes, view pornography and, in the worst cases, even molest other women.
So insisting on fidelity within a marriage is all well and good, but unless women ensure they are also having enough sex with their husbands, they are calling catastrophe into their lives.
This isn't rocket science. And the imbalance tends to get worse, not better, as married couples age.
And it is, make no mistake, mainly women in long-term relationships who lose interest in lovemaking — not their husbands. Younger men experience sexual desire twice as often as young women, while older men feel aroused four times more than women in the same age group.
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