
Between Gamma and Lambda

8 years ago

Anonymous Conservative explains how extreme /r reproduction occurs : It is counterintuitive to think specimens like this would have greater ...

Anonymous Conservative explains how extreme /r reproduction occurs:
It is counterintuitive to think specimens like this would have greater fitness than traditional K-selected males, but when fighting is not necessary, fighting is a Darwinian disadvantage. And in truth, I do not think I could actually bring myself to beat one of these characters to death, even if they attacked me. It would just feel like killing a handicapped child. I suspect after parrying one of their girlie deathblows, I would turn away in horror, screaming, “Just go, just go!” And they would live to fearfully boink a manjawed feminist ball-grabber yet another day.

So what does r-selection do when fighting and being beaten to death is a Darwinian disadvantage? It causes r-selection to evolve men to adopt the appearance and manner of handicapped children – and that appearance and manner is itself actually evolutionarily advantageous. Females in r-selection, on a deep level, know this and seek out male mates with those traits, so their offspring are inoculated against being beaten to death too. I would say it is elegant in every way – except in the result it produces.
Yeah, we'll see.

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