People who spend most of their time attacking their own side. I have seen you mention this several times in the past. I just got done dealin...
People who spend most of their time attacking their own side. I have seen you mention this several times in the past. I just got done dealing with someone who did this exact thing, with their reasoning being that:The answer is pretty simple. Gammas are risk-avoidant social scavengers. It's dangerous to attack the enemy. They hit back. So, they always prefer to leap in, boldly and loudly, whenever someone on their own side is fully engaged, then stab them in the back.
1. There is a higher standard and thus it's more important to criticize your own people.
2. If he attacks his own side, this forces them to "use their brain" and come up with better arguments/positions.
3. He's actually helping in the long run so no one should be mad at him.
I pointed out that it doesn't particularly help since all he is doing is presenting a fractured image that will embolden others, but he really seems to be riding the "I'm actually helping and we should be grateful" thing.
I suspect if I point out that his actions are almost identical to a traitors, I will be told that I just don't care or don't believe enough, or that I am shortsighted/ungrateful/dumb/whatever.
What is bothering me most is that, I follow the logic of what he is saying, but the attitude is strangely excited and zealous when it comes to this sort of thing. I'd except this sort of zest when arguing against someone else, not your own people.
This is relatively safe, provides them with a sense of moral superiority, and allows them to advance in social status at the expense of the victim.
The correct response, of course, is to throw the treacherous little weasel out of the group, which has two benefits. One, no one is going to miss a treacherous little weasel that no one liked anyhow. Two, it will teach the other gammas that there are more serious risks to be run by attacking one's own side than by simply fighting the enemy.
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