
The urge to save others from themselves

8 years ago

Do you feel the need to jump in and correct others when you see them making a mistake? Do you get a little rush out of being the hero when y...

Do you feel the need to jump in and correct others when you see them making a mistake? Do you get a little rush out of being the hero when you are offering criticism or telling someone that they're doing something wrong? Are you just trying to help?

Well, I have bad news for you. That urge, that tendency, that behavior, is one of the more reliable Gamma tells. You see, you're not the reality police, and often people have different objectives than those you impute to them.

Learn to suppress that urge to criticize and correct. Wait until people come to you for help, don't volunteer it unasked, unless, of course, they are in imminent danger of hurting themselves or others. And if you really can't stand it, ask them if they'd like some advice, don't simply hurl it at them.

The fatal last words of the Gamma: "I was just...."

I don't fucking care. No one is interested in your excuses and justifications. It doesn't matter if you can make a technical case for inserting your irrelevant pedantry in order to get that rush you get from offering a "correction". It doesn't fool anyone when you express your deep concern that someone, somewhere, might possibly reach a less-than-entirely perfect conclusion unless you save the day. Make your own point, stop trying to "improve" and "clarify" and "explain" what others are saying.

FFS, do you really think we don't know that you get off on it? Just don't do it. It's both unnecessary and irritating to everyone else.

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