
The fire rises

8 years ago

The Chateau observes that white men are no longer interested in being lectured by their hypocritical inferiors: There’s fight left in White...

The Chateau observes that white men are no longer interested in being lectured by their hypocritical inferiors:
There’s fight left in White men. The time is coming, very soon now, when the paper tigress of shitliberalism is exposed on the vivisecting table, and unapologetic shitlords stream out of their bunkers armed to the teeth with the liberating knowledge that the passive-aggressive snarl is all their enemies bring to battle, and behind that snarl there’s nothing but cowardly submission.

Speaking of a White fire rising:

A rare breed, two Pedowood shitlords, react to post-Wall harridan Meryl Streep’s anti-Trump self-aggrandizing harangue on stage. Look at the fire in Vince Vaughn’s and Mel Gibson’s eyes. These are men asking themselves, and the world, “Who bitch this is?”. They forge in the furnace of their unalloyed disgust a quiet and seething intolerance for the enemies of White men; a vengeance devised to settle the ultimate score — recapture of their homeland from degenerates within — percolates in their blood and radiates from their irises.

Look at those eyes brimming with righteous hatred closely, and multiply that look by millions, because that’s how many White men of the West feel the same way. And their numbers grow daily. White men are awakening to their planned and active dispossession by malevolent forces corrupting the creation of their ancestors. They see Meryl StreepThroat as another in a long line of preachy hypocritical reprobates shitting on their race and culture and values for fun and profit and the adulation of the elite bubble crowd. This rapidly coalescing army of normal White men and the White women who have not yet abandoned them for the wigger low life knows that attacks on Trump are proxy attacks on Whites.
Don't hide your contempt. Don't hide your total rejection of the daily SJW Narrative. Let them know that the fire is rising and it is going to entirely consume them.


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