
On planning for succession

8 years ago

Mercedes Lackey on Gor author John Norman: My editor Betsy Wollheim could not WAIT to bounce him off the DAW list when she finally became ed...

Mercedes Lackey on Gor author John Norman:
My editor Betsy Wollheim could not WAIT to bounce him off the DAW list when she finally became editor in chief after her father died. I think it was the first thing she did.
This is why men should be cautious about permitting their daughters to succeed them. Female succession is something that has observably played a major role in the SJW convergence of the publishing industry.

The irony, of course, is that the Gor novels continue to sell better than the average DAW novel. Notice that Betsy Wollheim was not offended by the child-abusing feminist pedophile, Marion Zimmer Bradley, nor did she bounce Bradley off the DAW list. In fact, Marion Zimmer Bradley is still listed as the leading "luminary" published by the company.

"the company published numerous books by well-respected authors in the 1970s, including such luminaries as Marion Zimmer Bradley, Fritz Leiber, Edward Llewellyn, Jerry Pournelle, Roger Zelazny and many others."

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