
How to fix Comment Editor’s Scroll-bar Problem in Firefox Browser?


Those who are using Blogger default comment box in your Blogger site then you would see a small problem; this is known as scrollbar problem,...

Blogger comment editor scroll-bar fixed

Those who are using Blogger default comment box in your Blogger site then you would see a small problem; this is known as scrollbar problem, which is not visible In Google chrome browser. But all of your website visitors may not use Google chrome. There are huge Firefox browser users over the net using Firefox for surfing websites, because this is faster and lighter than other web browsers.

Definitely you would love to use this browser to surf websites smoothly. But there is a small problem that can be seen in Firefox browsers that scroll-bar. When visitors attempt to make comment through Firefox browser then they face trouble to make comments. In Firefox browser Publish and Preview button almost remain hidden with scrollbar. And most of the commentator won’t able to see the button without scrolling. As a result many Blog readers are not commenting in your Blog. This problem arise tremendously on many website those who are using special message or thanks message below Blogger default comment box.

blogger comment box without scroll bar

I am using a message box below of the blogger comment editor and when I visit my Blog through Firefox browser then Publish and Preview buttons become hidden. Even by using scroll-bar I can’t reach there. As a result probably many Blog readers were unable to leave comment in my Blog.

blogger comment with scrollbar

However I have found a solution to solve this issue. And I am going to share this with your. Please follow the below steps-

Step 1 Log in to your Blogger Account and Go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 Click on -> Template -> Edit HTML->

Step 3 Now find the ]]></b:skin> by pressing Ctrl+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Mac)

Step 4 Copy the script from below and Paste it above/before ]]></b:skin>
Step 5 hit the Save template Button from the top of the editor.

I have used a CSS code for fixing the issue. In the above CSS code it is adjusting the Blogger comment editor’s height to 250px. So after applying the CSS code now always your template’s comment editor’s height would be 250px. And now you would see scroll-bar has removed from your Blogger comment box in Firefox browser. And Publish and Preview buttons also visible. Now website visitors or commentators can easily make and publish comment from Firefox browser which was not possible before. 

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