
AdSense Page-Level Ads to Boost up ad Revenue

Google AdSense has introduced page-level ads to boost up ads revenue for publisher. This is a new innovation of Google AdSense. With this Pa...

AdSense new ad format

Google AdSense has introduced page-level ads to boost up ads revenue for publisher. This is a new innovation of Google AdSense. With this Page-Level Adsense Ads you would able to improve your ads revenue dramatically. Page-Level Adsense Ads has designed for Smartphone and other mobile devices. It won’t display in your Blog when visitors visit your page from Desktop PC and Laptop. But when they visit your page through Mobile device then they will able to see Page-Level Ads.

Features of Page-Level Adsense Ads

The concept of Page-Level Adsense Ads evolves from popup ads but it will appear below the fold and full screen. We can say it in-fold ads. This kinds of ads was widely use on Infolinks but in case of Infolinks the ads appear on both Desktop PC and Smartphone. But it may be annoying for web visitors. For this reason Adsense display in-fold ads only on mobile devices. The main features of Page-Level Adsense Ads are as follows-

  • This is very simple to integrate with your Website.
  • Page-Level Adsense Ads optimized for specially Smartphone.
  • This is fully responsive and can adopt any size according to device width.
  • This helps to boost your AdSense revenue dramatically.
  • Page-Level Ads don’t limit your Adsense Ads per page. You can display more 3 ad banner as well as Page-Level Ads.

Ad formats of Page-Level Ads?

There are two types of ad formats available for Page-Level Ads. Both can plays significant role to increase Ads revenue. Those are as follows-
  1. Anchor/overlay ads
  2. Vignette ads

1. Anchor/overlay ads

This is known by its name that what types of this ad. When you scroll down through your Smartphone then they it will display in-fold or below the fold as floating style. Anchor/overlay ads appear and stick to the edge of the user’s Smartphone screen. However visitors can easily dismiss the ads by swipe. But the precondition is you must use this ad on mobile-optimized website.

adsense overlay ads

2. Vignette ads

This is full–screen ads that appear on your mobile phone screen. But AdSense has added skip option for users, so don’t worry you can easily skip the ads if feel annoying. Through Vignette ad publishers able to increase ad revenue rapidly. However many webmaster may not interested because it will occupy the full screen and readers may divert to other site through ads.

vignette ads

How to set up Page-level ads on Blogger and other website?

This is very easy to setup Page-level ads to appear on your site, I will show you how? Please follow these steps:

Step 1 Sign in to your AdSense account. And go to AdSense Dashbaord

Step 2 From there Click My ads tab.

Step 3 In the left sidebar select Content, and then click Page-level ads.

page-level ads

Step 4 On the Page-level ads page, use the controls to select which ad formats you'd like to show on your site. For Anchor/overlay ads and Vignette ads click I control to enable.

Step 5 Now scroll download and Click Get codebutton.

get page-level ad code

Step 6 Copy the ad code and login to your Blogger Dashboard and go to Template-> Edit HTML and locate <head> or <body>

Step 7 Now Paste the Page-level ads code below/after <head> or . Alternatively for other blogging platform paste the ad code in the <head> tag or at the top of the body.

Note that Page-Level Ads code may be need parse by parser so please use our HTML Encoder to place the ad code without any trouble.

Step 8 Finally click Save template button on Blogger site. And for other Blogging platform save the template/theme through the option.

Once you have added the Page-Level Ads code in your website then AdSense will start display ads on mobile screen. Note that this will display only on Smartphone not in Desktop PC or laptop.

How to test your Page-Level Ads?

Sometime accidentally ads may not appear on your Smartphone; in this case you can test your code from smartphone device by following below procedure.

Step 1 On a mobile device, visit the page where you want to test Page-level ads.

Step 2 Now in the mobile browser’s address bar add #googleadsto the end of your webpage's URL, e.g., www.bloggerspice.com#googleads. Replace bloggerspice with your Blog or Website name.

Step 3 Select the ad format that you want to test. Either Anchor/overlayads or Vignette ads

Step 4 And simply check the results of the test on your device.

You will see in-fold (Anchor/overlay) and full page ads (vignette) on mobile device while test.

I hope this article will help to give you little information about Page-Level Ads and how to implement it in our website. For any further help and clarification feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you. 

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