
How to Move YouTube Channel to different Google Plus page or profile?

9 years ago

YouTube channel owner will see your YouTube channel must be assign under a Google Plus page. And whatever the information you provide on Goo...


YouTube channel owner will see your YouTube channel must be assign under a Google Plus page. And whatever the information you provide on Google Plus page it will deliver information to your YouTube account.  This integration between Google Plus page and YouTube channel you may think pointless but for creators and marketers to control both accounts and community together this is required.

However, sometimes we need to delete or change our Google Plus page but due to inter connection between Google Plus page and YouTube channel you won’t able to delete your Google Plus Page. Even when I get approval for my Google Plus Business page then I need to delete old page, because multiple Google Plus page is unnecessary. Anyway, for deleting a Google Plus page first requirement is to disconnect the Google Plus from YouTube channel. But if you want to disconnect the YouTube channel then you must move your YouTube channel to another Google Plus page. So in this tutorial I will show you how to move YouTube channel to your different Google Plus account.

Do You Want to Delete Google Plus Brand Page? Then visit below URL.
Delete Your Google Plus Brand Page without Deleting Profile

The process is pretty easy but you have to go ahead carefully. Please follow the below steps for proper guideline.

Step 1 Visit https://www.youtube.com/account_advanced and log in to your YouTube account.

Step 2 Scroll down to locate Move channel to your Google Account or different Google+ page URL and click on it. Again Login may require for account security. So please login to your youtube account with your Gmail account.

Step 3 You will see Your YouTube Channel name with connected Google+ Page. For moving your YouTube channel to different Google Plus page click Select desired page or account button which is under MY CHANNEL (AFTER MOVE).


Step 4 Now select your desired Google Plus page to move your YouTube channel. Note that you must have multiple Google Plus page under single profile page.  And now your YouTube channel is ready to move in your new Google Plus page. Simply click Move channel…. Button for more the channel to your new Google Plus page.


Step 5 A warning message will appear that your custom URL will no longer available and older comments won’t be visible. Click on Move channelbutton to proceed. And after that a success message will display on page. From there click OK button to exit.


Congratulation your YouTube channel is now connected with your new Google Plus page. And now you can easily delete older Google Plus page from Google Plus profile.

By moving your YouTube account over another Google Plus page all of your video content, playlist settings, YouTube channel subscriber as well as the channel username, private messages, comments poster after November 2013, custom URL which has set up after November 2014 as well as your YouTube channel icon will be transferred under your new Google Plus associate page, because you will find them exactly same under new associate Google Plus page.

I hope this tutorial will help you to delete your unnecessary Google Plus page from personal profile. However this is very hard to recover deleted Google Plus page. So please think again before deleting a page. If you like this post please gets into my VIP Mail list. Thank You. 

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