
An update on Google Blogger’s Live on Blog Preview

9 years ago

Google is making their platform up to date. As a result they have brought different changes on entire Blogger platform. Now Blogger support ...


Google is making their platform up to date. As a result they have brought different changes on entire Blogger platform. Now Blogger support many advance coding which was to usable in past. However I love most its script minifying feature. Now we can code any widget more easiest way.

Whatever, from the beginning of Blogger’s journey Google has brought many changes on their dashboard and made it more users friendly. And yesterday I have seen significant changes on Live on Blog section. But this will not affect our Blog and not very important but it will give a fresh look to the older users and new users will attract to see this. Moreover, this has spice up blogger dashboard and help to do blogging more fun way. 

Generally in this section we see the preview after uploading a Blogger template. But most of the cases the template preview box was view able perfectly. Because we could able to see only upper part of our Blogger template.

But after making changes now we can see almost 50% of our Blogger template both in Desktop and mobile preview.

You will see the difference from below screen shots. Formerly the preview box was very small. And template format was not good in Live on Blog preview section.


 But now we can view the template perfectly with well format.


To see this preview just follow the below steps-

Step 1 Go to http://blogger.com/ and Sign in to your Blogger account.

Step 2 From Blogger Dashboard Click on Template

Now you would able to see the new looks of your template preview. Isn’t great? I just love it. I think the concept has taken from WordPress dashboard but brought little changes.

Google is trying to grab the new users by changing their looks and by updating the platform time to time. I appreciate this kind of change. However this news also not very important but for spreading the news I have written this short note. Lol.

Wish you best of luck and happy journey on your Blogging career with Google Blogger. Thank you.

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