
What is Schema Markup and How to Use it in Blogger?

9 years ago

Schema Markup is widely used on website and Blogs but few of us know about Schema Markup. Don’t worry I am not explaining any monotonous thi...


Schema Markup is widely used on website and Blogs but few of us know about Schema Markup. Don’t worry I am not explaining any monotonous thing for you. Schema is very important for any website and blog for getting greater visibility on search engine.

Search engine is a simple robotic machine. And it can’t do without any preset order. Suppose programmer has instruct the search robot to find out the all posts where image is missing. As a result, search robot will start search only missing images from your website and blog posts. And often there are a chance that search robot will fail to detect your post image from your blog. This can be happen due to not recognized coding by website designer. But there are so many search engine how a website and blog designer will help search robot to detect your content according to different search engine?

What is Schema.org or Schema Markup?

A solution has evolved in 2011 because the giant search engine Bing, Google and Yahoo collaboratively created and support a common set of schemas for structured data markup on web pages which is known as Schema.org or Schema Markup. Schema markup is code (semantic vocabulary) that you put on your website to help the search engines return more informative results for users.  Schema Markup use vocabulary along with the Microdata, RDFa, or JSON-LD formats to mark up website and Blog content with metadata. And Schema Markup helps search engine spiders and other parsers to recognize the meaning of the sites (e.g. content, image, videos, etc).


What types of vocabulary Support on schema.org?

Schema Markup use large vocabulary including older formats such as Microformats, FOAF, GoodRelations and OpenCyc. You will see Microformats in Google webmaster tools while using Google Blogger. Under Microformats the most dominant representative is hCard in the Website and blog. On the other hand, RDF applications can use Microdata2RDF service.

What types of rich snippets and Knowledge Graphs appear in Google search results?

There are three main things you have to point out about Snippets, Rich Snippets and Knowledge Graphs.
  • Snippets: While any users make query in search result then few lines of text that appear under every content link on search engine result page.

  • Rich snippets: This is required for better structured webpage and Blog. If Google robot can understand your webpage’s content, then they can display special rich snippets for that page in search results.

  • Knowledge Graphs: This is similar to rich snippets, if Google has a better understanding of what your webpage is all about, then they will display a summary information box on the right side of their search results for relevant keyword queries. But for this your site must be well structured.


And the above 3 things will appear on search engine if your site followed proper schema.org markup. 

How to Validate data mark up?

For validate data mark up we can use some data markup validator tools. Almost all major search engine has its own Structured Data Testing Tool. You can use any one of the below-

Google Structured Data Testing Tool
  • https://developers.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/
Bing Markup Validator
  • https://www.bing.com/webmaster/diagnostics/markup/validator
Yandex Microformat validator
  • https://webmaster.yandex.com/microtest.xml

How to Use schema.org Markup on Blogger Site?

This is very easy to use schema.org Markup in Blogger template. Just you have to convert few lines, such as Blog Hader, Body, content-wrapper, sidebar, footer etc. If your template don’t use
Step 1 Go to https://www.blogger.com and Sign in to your account
Step 2 From Blogger Dashboard click on ->Template ->Edit HTML 
Step 3 And locate the <nav> or navigation code from your Blogger template and replace it by below markup.
<nav id='topnav' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/SiteNavigationElement' role='navigation'>
Step 4 Again find <body> and replace it by below markup
<body class='index' itemscope='' itemtype='http://schema.org/WebPage'>
Step 5 Similarly find <header> or <header-wrapper> and replace it by below markup
<div id='header-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/WPHeader'>
Step 6 Similarly find <Content-wrapper> or <main-wrapper> where your Blog post contains and replaces it by below markup. Remember code can be varying among templates to template.
<div id='content-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/Blog' role='main'>
Step 7 Again find markup line like below
<div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' >
<article class='post hentry' expr:id='data:post.id'>
And replace it by below markup line-

<div class='post hentry uncustomized-post-template' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/BlogPosting'>

<article class='post hentry' expr:id='data:post.id' itemscope='' itemtype='http://schema.org/BlogPosting'>

Step 8 Again find the below code

<div class='author-profile' itemprop='author' >

Replace it by below markup

<span class='fn author' itemprop='author' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/Person'>

Step 9 Locate <div id='sidebar-wrapper'> and replace it by below code
<div id='sidebar-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/WPSideBar'>
Step 10 Again Locate your Blog footer section <footer id='footer-wrapper'> and replace it by below code.
<footer id='footer-wrapper' itemscope='itemscope' itemtype='http://schema.org/WPFooter'>
I hope now your Blog is under Schema Markup structure. Be careful about using markup file. After adding each line of Schema markup codes use Schema markup validator to check your Blog or webpage. Before and after adding every line take a backup of your Blogger template. If you need any further help then feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you.

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