While we create a Blog post then we use different types of image according to the post content. Because using a perfect Image can increase t...
While we create a Blog post then we use different types of image according to the post content. Because using a perfect Image can increase the value of your content by 50 percent. There has not any alternative of image to make our web content attractive. I don’t have to say this thing to you frequently. But the question is how you get those images for using on your Blog post. Certainly through searching image over the internet. Even I search images from search engine and use it in my Blog.
However I didn’t think before that am I using copyright free image or not. Even I didn’t think that majority of images has copyright. And we are not allowed to reuse for our Blog posts. Due to rapid copyright awareness finally I have taken decision to use copyright free or royalty free images for my Blog. Because there are severe problems may arise, where we can fall by using copyright protected images on our blog. For example
- Original owner of the copyright protected image may claim about the image to Google. As a result your Blog can get penalty from Google.
- If you don’t comply with copyright protected image then Google may ban your site from search engine.
- Another most severe problem is if you are using AdSense then your account may disable by Google.
- After getting a DMCA complain they kept the record on their server. As a result a permanent bad impression will create for your Blog or website.
- So avoid using copyright protected images on your blog and website and be free from all kinds of further problem. So now the main target is to how to find Royalty Free image? I will tell you now just read through the content.
How to search Copyright free image for our Blog?
Google is a major and giant search engine where billions of contents, images index every day. So Google search engine is the main sources of getting Royalty free images which we can reuse those images on our Blog and website.
In addition, there are many website that provide free stock vectors which can be use for further reuse. If you are looking for icons then you can go to iconfinder.com there you will get many free icons on different formats.
Because we will use Google Advanced Image Search for finding copyright free images. So I am going to explain about using Google Advanced Image Search magic tool.
Step 1 Go to https://www.google.com/advanced_image_search
Step 2 Now under Find images with section enter search term like important words, exact words and quotes etc.
Step 3 Similarly on Then narrow your results by...section select image size, aspect ratio, colors in image, types of image, region, safe search, file type by using drop down option and most importantly usage rights. Because this is the key option which will help us to find copyright free image. On usage right option select free to use or share, even commercially option.
Step 4 Finally hit the Advanced Search button and instantly you will be headed to image search result page.
That’s it you just made it. Now you can see all images with usage rights. And all of those images you can reuse on your Blog. And there has not any chance to get any copyright claim from Google.
Guidelines for selecting right images
This is a simple guideline for selecting right images for your Blog. Because you will get huge images on search result but all are not perfect for use on your Blog. But you can keep some points on your mind that your selected image should be-
- Generate a nice thumbnail or featured image for Blog Post
- It can match with your Content
- Give a break up to your readers while reading large content
- Encouraging and best fit for social media site
- Able to support your content’s paragraph
- Able to capture reader’s emotion
- Add color to your blog post
In addition you can develop SEO by including Alt tags and keyword-rich file names. As a result your image will get higher priority on Google Image search engine result page.
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