Everyday huge videos are sharing on facebook and various social media site. This is very good for social media users. Because any short leng...
Everyday huge videos are sharing on facebook and various social media site. This is very good for social media users. Because any short length videos can give a break on our mind, while spending longer time on social media side. However there are millions of videos you will find uploading and also same videos sharing and uploading by many users. As a result your video may not get enough hit while others already uploaded and shared on their social media profiles.
I believe that first impression is very important for diverting on website, Blog or videos. If you see a dull video thumbnail then you may not feel interest to click on it. As a result that video won’t get enough hits; even video quality is so good. This maybe seems to you making up your videos for better presentation.
So we have to find out a way to make our video more interesting and attractive for the viewers. And the solution is to add different thumbnail. Thought facebook hasn’t any option to use different thumbnail like YouTube. Because while you upload a video on YouTube then it creates 4 different thumbnails for videos and easily you can use anyone from that.
So the solution is to use any attractive wallpaper from other free image provider site. Note that you must use copyright free image. In this tutorial I will show you how to add or use a custom wallpaper or video cover on your uploaded video on Facebook fan page.
This is really easy trick to add a custom image thumbnail or wallpaper whatever you like. And this will work as video cover. Please read it through for applying the trick.Step 1 Visit https://www.facebook.com/ and click Photo/Video option from the top.
Step 2 Photos/Videoupload option will be visible instantly. So click on there and choose a video file from your PC.
Step 3 Now give a suitable title for your Video in Video Title field under Basic tab. And select Video category by using drop down option. Your video will begin to upload 100%.
Step 4 After completion of video upload locate Add Custom Thumbnail from preview screen and select any wallpaper or image from your PC.
Step 5 Instantly wallpaper or image will add upon your main video. And it will cover up the main video thumbnail. Finally hit the Publishbutton from bottom of the window.
Now see different video thumbnail showing on your facebook profile or fan page. And now video thumbnail is looking far better than original thumbnail. As a result while this video will visible on Facebook news feed then social media viewers will easily attract to click on it. And your video will get more hits.
This trick is best for Blogger. Because when we create video tutorial for our Blog visitors then they may not feel interest to watch the video. On the other hand if you create couple of videos for Blogger tutorial then you will see same image thumbnail is displaying on your all video tutorial. This makes a bad impression and viewers feel dull or monotonous. So to give a break Blogger can apply this trick and bring more hits on videos. No matter how is your video quality, but you must make the video thumbnail attractive to get more views on your videos tutorials. Happy Blogging!!!
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