
How to Specify Your Blogger site's Social Profiles to Google?

9 years ago

Webmaster always wants to present their site on search engine more interesting way. In search engine result page our site’s content’s links ...


Webmaster always wants to present their site on search engine more interesting way. In search engine result page our site’s content’s links display various way. Higher quality site got higher priority and ale to display their content differently. And whenever a search query made by users then when s/he find the result little differently then they click on that link. So we must try to improve our site for search result.

But it is not easy to improve our site for search result instantly. It will take time, but we must emphasize on SEO for increasing our site visibility on search engine. As a most popular and gigantic search engine Goggle is number one. So we must optimize our site according to Google search engine. However we shouldn’t ignore other search engines.

I think you might hear about schema.org markup which is an understandable language by all major search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex. So we will use schema.org markup for top to bottom SEO improvement for our site.

You might have social profile for spreading your Blog content. Because there are good opportunities to divert traffic from our social media sites. But search engine don’t understand that this is your Blog’s social profile. So we must specify our social sites for Google search engine. You can see social profile of Samsung site on Google search engine result page. Because Samsung has specified the social profile for search engine result page and Google is displaying the social profile.


However we can also define our Blog’s social profile on search engine. For specifying social profile on our Blogger site we have to adopt a trick. The trick is schema.org markup for specifying Blog social profiles to Google. Schema.org markup has three vocabularies such as
  1. Microdata
  2. RDFa
  3. JSON-LD
For blogger site the easiest way to use JSON-LD and this is recommended by Google because of simplicity of the vocabulary.

So for specifying our Blog’s social profile to Google search engine result page please follow the below steps-

Step 1 Go to https://www.blogger.com and Sign in to your account
Step 2 From Blogger Dashboard click on ->Template ->Edit HTML 
Step 3 And locate the </head> section in your Blogger template
Step 4 Finally copy following line of JSON-LD markup and paste it before/above </head>

<script type="application/ld+json">
"@context" : "http://schema.org",
"@type" : "ProfilePage",
"name" : "Your Blog Name",
"url" : "http://www.your-site.com",
"sameAs" : [


  • Replace all you-profilewith your social profile ID or user name.
Step 5 Now simply hit the Save button.

Congratulation you have successfully specified your Blog’s social profile to Google. However if you have more social site then you can easily add extra line for adding other social profiles link. For example purpose you can see my specified social profiles in BloggerSpice.

<script type='application/ld+json'>
{ "@context" : "http://schema.org",
"@type" : "ProfilePage",
"name" : "BloggerSpice",
"url" : "http://www.bloggerspice.com",
"sameAs" : ["https://www.facebook.com/BloggerSpice",

If you have more social media site then you can add more. I hope this tutorial will help to improve your Blog search result on Google and other search engine result pages. 

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