
How to Optimize Blog Post SEO by Adding Search Description?


Do you want to take your Blog in next level? Do you want more organic traffic from search engine? Then you must optimize your Blog Post for ...

search engine optimization

Do you want to take your Blog in next level? Do you want more organic traffic from search engine? Then you must optimize your Blog Post for better search visibility. There is a wrong idea about Google Blogger SEO that users won’t able to add different search description for each post. As a result most of them talk about WordPress that it has great features. But you may not notice that from the beginning of Blogger platform it has introduced about adding search description for each post.

Can’t believe? You would see how I make you learn easily about adding search description for each Blog post. But before that, let’s talk about some benefits of using search description.
  • You will able to add relevant Keyword
  • You can Brand your Post title by adding supporting title
  • Differentiate the descriptions for different pages.
  • Easily can be use quality descriptions for better search visibility
  • Visitors search experience will improve rapidly
So we can see there are bunch of positive site for using search description in Blogger site. But for adding search description in Blogger template we must enable the search description feature from the backend of our Blogger dashboard. I will show you how to enable it?

How to Activate and write Search Description for Blogger Post Page?

While you create a new Blog then you won’t see any search description implementing option for each Post page. There are simple trick to activate search description option for your Blog post. Before enabling this feature the Blog post will editor will look like below. You can see under Post settings there are not any Search description input option.

Blog post settings

Now we will make it visible. Just follow the blow steps-

Step 1 Sign in to your blogger account and go to blogger dashboard

Step 2 On Blogger Dashboard Click ->Settings -> Search preferences

Step 3 Now locate Description under Meta tags, which is [Disabled]. To enable it click on Edit link.  

Meta description disable

Step 4 Now select Yesradio button. And you can write here brief description about your Blog within 150 characters. This will display on search engine result page. And click on Save Changes button.

enable Meta description

Step 5 After that go to your any Post and check the Post settings and see Search Description enabled. Just click on Search Description and Write a descriptive and concise Search Description for Blog Post. After that click Done button.

write search description

That’s it. You have successfully enable search description option for your Blog. Now write a good search description each time while you create new post. And publish it. I hope you will get positive result from search engine soon.

There are many Blogger write very short or paste the post title inside search description but this is wrong. However search descriptions remain hidden in Blog Post page for this reason Blogger users don’t give any special attention on it. But believe me! for better SEO optimization you won’t find a good alternative of search description.  

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