
How to Embed New Facebook Page Plugin in Blogger Blog?

9 years ago

Formerly a Plugin was released by Facebook which was known as Facebook Activity Feed Plugin. With the release of Graph API v2.3, the Activit...


Formerly a Plugin was released by Facebook which was known as Facebook Activity Feed Plugin. With the release of Graph API v2.3, the Activity Feed plugin is deprecated. So those who were using this Plugin on their Blog then they will see the plugin is not working.

However after improvement of Graph API v2.3, the Activity Feed plugin has come to us in new ways which is called Page plugin. This plugin works like magic. Because if you have integrated this Plugin in your Blog then visitors don’t have to leave your Blog and website for like and share your page. So I think this is very useful plugin to reduce bounce rate and visitors will get engaged for longer time with your Blog or website. However the main features of this Plugin are as follows-
  • Visitors can view your all recent post from your Blog or website.
  • Visitor can like your Post.
  • Also visitors can share your Post on visitors Facebook profile.
  • Readers can share your content through Page Plugin without leaving your Blog or Website.
You can see the Demo Below. You can see the like box with shared content through this plugin.


So this is really a great Plugin for Blogger. I will show you about integrating this widget in Blogger site easily. Before that, let me show you about generating your Page plugin. Just go through the below steps-

Step 1 Visit https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/page-plugin and login to your Facebook account.

Step 2 Now under Social Plugins from left side select Page Plugin. Instantly Page Plugin option will expend right side.  

Step 3 You have to fill up your Fan page URL first. Write your Facebook Page URL on Blank field (e.g. https://www.facebook.com/BloggerSpice).

Step 4 For adjusting width and Height select your desire value. In terms of width you can select minimum 180px to maximum 500px width.  And for height minimum value is 70px.


Step 5 In addition you have some options like Use Small Header, Hide Cover Photo which is not very important. But remember to put tick on Adapt to plugin container width for responsive web layout. And Show Friend’s Faces to display your current Fans face.

Step 6 Finally click on Get Code button for generating the code.  You will get 2 piece of code block. JavaScript SDK and HTML code for Plugin. Both code you have to add in your Blogger template.

Congratulation you have successfully created Facebook Page Plugin. Now it’s time to integrate the Plugin in Blogger template.

How To add the Facebook Page Plugin in Blogger Template?

Generally you have to display the Page plugin on the right sidebar of your Blogger template. So let’s proceed to the tutorial.

Step 1 Log in to your Blogger account and Go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 2 Now click on -> Template -> Edit HTML

Step 3 Locate the <body> by pressing Ctrl+F (Windows) or CMD+F (Mac) 

Step 4 Paste the JavaScript SDK code After/Below <body> 


Step 5 Now click Save template button.

Step 6 Now go to your Blogger Dashboard

Step 7 Go to your Layout tab.

Step 8 Click on "Add a Gadget" then select "HTML/JavaScript" Gadget. Leave the Title field blank.

Step 9 Now Paste the HTML code for Plugin in "HTML/JavaScript" Gadget.


Step 10 And finally click orange color Save button. You’re done!

Now check your Blogger template to see the Facebook page plugin. Your Blog visitors will now able to like, share and comment on your content without leaving your Blog site. I hope you would like it. For any further help feel free to leave a comment below. 

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