
How to Fix Bengali Font Problem in Google Chrome Browser?

9 years ago

Among most spoken language in the world Bengali language is in 7 th position. There are over 212 millions peoples who speak in Bengali lang...


Among most spoken language in the world Bengali language is in 7th position. There are over 212 millions peoples who speak in Bengali language. So there are huge number of Bengali native speakers read and visit Bangladeshi website frequently.

However Bengali language shows on website by Bangla Unicode Fonts. But sometimes our browser crash or break for displaying Bangla font properly. You might face the problem mostly on conjunct word. You can see the problem from below image that all font has broken. And conjunct word displaying in single word form. 


As a result, often we are unable to do work in Bangla language. Suppose you are visiting Bangla language news papers but due to font crash you won’t able to read any single line. Or even you won’t able to see any Bengali language post on your facebook or Blog. You might think problem is evolving from PC or internet but actually this problem come from your Browser.  For solve this problem some user reinstall the windows but this pointless and required longer time. But your problem will be solve. But there is a simple method to fix the issue. Though majority of users are using Google Chrome, so in this tutorial I will show you how we can Fix Bengali Display Problem in Google Chrome browser.

First of all uninstall the Google Chrome from your PC and download & install latest version. After that go through the below steps-

Step 1 From your Google Chrome browser Go to Settings -> Show Advanced Settings- > 


Now hidden option will expend and display under advance settings.


Step 2 Now from ->Web content select ->Customized fonts


Step 3 And select Kalpurush font for Serif font and Siyam Rupali Font for Sans-serif font. After that simply click onDone button.


Step 4 Copy chrome://flags and paste it on your Google Chrome browser. A new page will open, from there find Disable DirectWrite Windows and Enable it by click on Enable link.

Step 5 Finally to make the changes work click on RELAUNCH NOW button from bottom of the page.

Now check any Bengali site on your Google chrome browser and see fonts are displaying properly.  I hope this tutorial will solve your Bangla Font Problem on Google Chrome browser. 

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