
Earn over $500 per Month From RevenueHits Ads

10 years ago

New Blogger always searching of new sources of making money from Blog, as a result they try with different advertising platform. Everybody t...


New Blogger always searching of new sources of making money from Blog, as a result they try with different advertising platform. Everybody try to get approval from AdSense for monetizing their Blog but not everybody get approval. And now-a-days this is very hard to get approval from AdSense.  But Bloggers are not away from making money. Because, there are many alternatives of Google AdSense that works best for your Blog. Today I will share with you another income generating ad network whose name is RevenueHits.

I think you are little bit confused because you may hear this Ad network name for the first time. But this ad network is working since 2008. And obviously this is a legit ad network. You can make good amount of money with this ad network. You may think $500 making is wired but this is not any big deal if you have multiple sites with good traffic. And if you can make over $500 within 4 months then you will get special gifts from RevenueHits under various categories.

Sign Up for RevenueHits Now And Make Money

What is RevenueHits?

If you are looking for an innovative ad network then RevenueHits Perform best. And within very shortest period of time you can generate good amount of money. If you have more site and receiving good number of visitors then you can easily make good money. Because this Ad Network helps the publishers to generate revenue within shortest period of time. RevenueHits use a state-of-the-art contextual & geo-targeted Ad-Serving technology.

Not only website but also you can monetize various online assets, including websites, add-ons, mobile sites, widgets, toolbars and many more. RevenueHits is owned and operated by MyAdWise Ltd - a privately-held startup company founded in 2008 by a team of experienced tech professionals, finance experts and successful online marketers.

Why should I join RevenueHits as a Publisher?

Now the question is why you should use RevenueHits? There are many Blogger who has good site with huge traffic but can’t get approval from AdSense. In this case RevenueHits is the best way for earnings. There are many native languages which is not allowed by AdSense, for example bangle language is not support by AdSense. In this case you can use RevenueHits in your Bangla language Blog site. RevenueHits promises 100% fill on ALL GEOS.  Early payment can be received from RevenueHits, because they make payment through multiple medium. Beside of this, you will receive based on a huge pool of offers from a variety of advertisers and networks worldwide.

RevenueHits ADS FORMAT

This is an important issue that how Publisher monetize the site with ad banner. This is a great opportunity for monetizing your blog or website by various ad formats. Because RevenueHits has over 9 ads formats which will help you to monetize your site. And you will able to earn rapidly. Wherever your Blog niche or size you can easily monetize.  By delivering creative ads RevenueHits help the publisher to generate more income. RevenueHits delivering ads through
  • Banner
  • 158 X 21 Button
  • 468 X 60 Footer
  • 728 X 90 Footer
  • Interstitial
  • Popunder
  • Shadow Box
  • Top Bar

Above those ad banner PopUnders and Intersititial work best for generating revenue faster. However, RevenueHits ads formats can be serve on both on desktop and mobile device traffic to improve publisher’s earnings. As a result, you’ll able to generate very high click rates (CTR) without being too interfering with your ads.

Payment method

Most of the Ad network has some limitation in payment method. But RevenueHits making payment through below payment medium-
  • Paypal
  • Wire Transfer
  • Payoneer

Not only payment method is easy but also payment threshold is very few amounts. After making $20 your money will be transfer in your Paypal or Payoneer account. But in other ad network’s payment threshold can be found $50 - $100 which takes longer time to reach on payment threshold. So by RevenueHits make money and get payment early.


It goes without say that RevenueHits are now in leading position among various ad networks over the net. You will find many scam or fake Ads network but you will get payment from RevenueHits easily. They are 100% legit company. If you wish to make more money, then you can join RevenueHits’s contest. Just you have to make $500 to $5000 within 4 month by using their ad network then you can win a jackpot. 


This is not based on raffle draw; just you have to earn money through RevenueHits and you will be rewarded by various gifts. In addition you can earn money by their referral program which is a great opportunity to boost up your income from RevenueHits. 

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