
How to Upgrade Outdated to Latest WordPress Version?

10 years ago

WordPress updates their versions time to time to make it more user friendly and secured for their users. After every latest released version...


WordPress updates their versions time to time to make it more user friendly and secured for their users. After every latest released version you will get some new features that incorporate by WordPress. Generally they bring some major and minor changes on Media, Post editor, Panel and add resources for WordPress developers. After latest release WordPress will suitable for latest plugins and themes. There are many plugins that don't support older version of WordPress. But after updated to latest version new themes and plugins works smoothly.

Most of the newbie do a mistake that they don't take backup of their WordPress theme and site before updates. So after updates they lost their customize themes. So before update your WordPress first take a backup of your WordPress theme.

Whenever latest WordPress version is available then you will get notification in WordPress dashboard. 


However before that first check the version of your current WordPress version. Just  follow the below steps for update WordPress version-

Step 1 Log in to your WordPress account and go to Dashboard 

Step 2 Under Dashboard tab scroll down and locate At a Glance and see your current WordPress version.


Step 3 Now click on Update to X.X.X (Version may vary with your current WordPress Database) button. Another page will open and now click on blue color Update Nowbutton.


Step 4 Instantly your WordPress will download the update package and version will update. You site will be under Maintenance mode while updating the WordPress version. And after update it will give a notification that Database Update Required.


Step 5 So click on Update WordPress Database button. It will take few seconds to update and it will display update success message. Now click on Continue button.


That's it you have successfully updated the WordPress database. Isn't it very simple? If you still facing any  trouble to update then feel free to leave a comment below. 

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