
How to Add Categories to Google Plus Community Page?

10 years ago

In our Blog site we publish post under different categories or labels. Assigning posts under different categories or labels help the readers...


In our Blog site we publish post under different categories or labels. Assigning posts under different categories or labels help the readers to find out the desired post quickly. In addition readers like to navigate Blog with categories or labels. Similarly if you have a Google Plus Community Page then your page member can share their posts. But without assigning the posts under categories your Google Plus Community Page will be messy.

So in this tutorial I will show you the trick to create categories on Google Plus Community Pages. You can easily add categories  and help the members to find the topics they’re most interested in. For example,

You Google Plus Community Page has a Tips and Trickcategory and your Page member shared content under that category. So while a community readers feel interest then s/he will click on that category for quickly navigate.

How to Add Categories on Google Plus Community Page?

So to have a category for each type of segment will be wise decision. (Blogger, WordPress, Discussion). Just follow the below steps to create categories in your Google Plus Community Page.

Step 1 Go to https://plus.google.com/ and Login to you Google Plus account.

Step 2 From top left corner click on Home menu will expend from left side. From there select Communities.

Step 3 Now Click the name of your community where you want to add categories.


Step 4 Near the top left corner, click the gear icon  and select -> Edit community option.


Step 5 Just Scroll down little bit and locate Add category... , click on that.


Step 6 Now the field will active and you can write the category name. Now write a category name e.g AdSense. And Press Enter key from keyboard or click on a blank space by mouse pointer. Instantly your Category will create.


Step 7 Finally click on Save button from top right corner of the screen.

That's it you have successfully created new category on your Google Plus Community Page.

How to Rearrange the Categories?

Suppose you have created several categories and now you want to rearrange the categories. To do this just follow the below steps-

Step 1 Click the gear icon and select -> Edit community option

Step 2 Now click on any category and hold the mouse pointer.


Step 3 After that simply drag the mouse pointer top to bottom or bottom to top. Your category will be rearrange instantly.

Step 4 Finally click on Save button from top right corner of the screen.

I hope this tutorial will help you to create and rearrange the categories in your Google Plus community page. For any further query feel free to write me.

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