
Choosing Permalink Structure in WordPress Site

10 years ago

Using permalink in WordPress is the way to make your post URL pretty. Permalink also known as permanent URL of individual Blog posts, catego...


Using permalink in WordPress is the way to make your post URL pretty. Permalink also known as permanent URL of individual Blog posts, categories and other lists. By default after posting an article the post URL is looking ugly. Most often in WordPress show some digits after Blog URL. But nobody can understand about the topic. So by using custom permalink we can make our WordPress post's URL pretty. There are 2 types of permalink can be seen in WordPress-

Deafult- Ugly

Under default permalink you will see just a digit with alphabet. And if you share this link on any social media site then by reading link nobody can understand the topics.
  • Example: http://www.bloggerspice.com/?p=11

mod_rewrite: Pretty Permalinks

Mod rewrite is pretty permalink and here post publication year, month and date will be identify and post title will be readable.
  • Example: http://www.bloggerspice.com/2015/12/30/post-name

Path Info: Almost Pretty

Among them the best permalink structure in WordPress in Path info. Because by this permalink structure a readers can understand the assigned categories, publication date, month and year also complete topic.
  • Example: http://www.bloggerspice.com /index.php/yyyy/mm/dd/post-name/

Choosing permalink structure in WordPress

For selecting appropriate permalink in WordPress Blog we can choose it from Dashboard. In WordPress it uses web URLs which includes question marks and numbers on it. But you can also create a custom permalink. But to select pre set permalink just follow the below steps-

Step 1 Log in to your WordPress account and go to Dashboard 

Step 2 From Dashboard click on ->Settings->Permalinks


Step 3 From that page under Permalink Settings and locate Common Settings. Here you will see 6 options for WordPress permalink including Custom Structure.

  1. Default - Display only alphabet and number
  2. Day and name - Display only post year, month, date and title
  3. Month and name - Display only post year, month and title
  4. Numeric - Display only post Achieve and number
  5. Post name - Display only post title
  6. Custom Structure - You can display post Achieve, year, month, date and title according to your own way.
Step 4 Just select any radio button to choose the permalink. In case of Custom Structure you have to ad permalink code manually. For custom structure use below example-


You must add % after every permalink points. So make sure to end your structure with either %post_id% or %postname% (e.g. /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/) so that each permalink points to an individual post.
  •  %year%  - The year of the post, four digits, for example 2015
  •  %monthnum% -  Month of the year, for example 04
  •  %day% - Day of the month, for example 15
  •  %hour% - Hour of the day, for example 18
  •  %minute% - Minute of the hour, for example 31
  •  %second% - Second of the minute, for example 22
  •  %post_id% - The unique ID # of the post, for example 324
  • %postname% - A sanitized version of the title of the post that means after publishing the article it will automatically add (-) after every word in Post title.  So Choosing your permalink structure in WordPress  becomes Choosing-your-permalink-structure-in-WordPressin the URI.
  • %category% - A sanitized version of the category name (category slug field on New/Edit Category panel). Nested sub-categories appear as nested directories in the URI.
  • %author% - A sanitized version of the author name. It will display the author name on post link.

Category base and Tag base permalink

You can also use Category base and Tag base permalink-


The Category base and Tag base are prefixes used in URLs for category and tag archives, which look like this:
  •  bloggerspice.com/wp/category_base/category_name
  •  bloggerspice.com /wp/tag_base/tag_name
Step 5  Finally click on blue color Save Changes button.

And now publish your post and check the post link that it will be visible according to the selected permalink structure in your WordPress Blog. Thank you. 

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