
Repair Windows with Just one Click

10 years ago

Repair Windows with Just one Click   Microsoft Windows have many known issues and problems like registry errors, file permission problems, ...

Repair Windows with Just one Click

Microsoft Windows have many known issues and problems like registry errors, file permission problems, Internet Explorer, Windows Update, Windows Firewall settings which can be solved easily. After installing the fresh operating system your computer work like a super computer but after few days you notice that your system is slowing down day by day. This mainly happens due to viruses or software’s you install in your system. Virus problem can be solved by any Antivirus or Internet security program but what about registry errors and corrupt windows files.

Windows Repair (All In One)

Tweaking.com has a very small in size windows Tweak software which can do wonders with just one click of a button. You can download the Windows Repair software from here. After download install this software and it will reset the settings of almost every module of your computer operating system. Normally the settings are changed by programs you install like Anti-malware, Antivirus, Registry editors etc which may some time result into crash of your system. With this amazing free tool your can rest all those settings which result in smooth Windows performance.


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