
Receive Message for Important Emails on Mobile Phone for Free

Receive Message for Important Emails on Mobile Phone for Free   In this modern and fast era of technology we need to connect with our compu...

Receive Message for Important Emails on Mobile Phone for Free

In this modern and fast era of technology we need to connect with our computers and internet all the time so that we can make full use of it. Specially if you are running some kind of business or earn money online than its necessary for you to have access with your email account all the time. Now its impossible for human beings to sit in-front of computer twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. But the good thing is that we have our phones all the time with us and with little knowledge we can set up a system so that we receive our important emails right on any mobile phone and that too free of cost.

Create Account on IFTTT

1. For this to work you need to create free account on IFTTT by visiting the official website link.
2. Verify your email by clicking the link you receive from IFTTT. After that login into your account.
3. It’s time to login into your Gmail account. If you don’t have any than you need to create it because this method will only work with this email provider.
4. After login into your Gmail account attach it with your IFTTT account by visiting this link. Click on big Activate button and then Grant access button.

5. Now you need to verify your mobile phone so that IFTTT will send you SMS for emails. Visit this SMS page and click on Activate button.
6. Enter your mobile number in the following format.

009203454209211(00+country code+mobile number)

7. They will send you pin code on your cell phone and you need to enter that code in website.
8. Last but not least you need to visit the Recipe page and click on Use Recipe button.
You need to define the criteria that which emails you want to receive on your mobile phone. Also you can simply change it to only alert or you can receive whole email.




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