
Idea Informer Feedback for your Website


Idea Informer Feedback for your Website   Last week I was testing various services for feedback, or feedback. Services are for ideas, quest...

Idea Informer Feedback for your Website


Last week I was testing various services for feedback, or feedback. Services are for ideas, questions or report problems in functioning web site or application. Where users participate by voting, commenting or posting ideas.
The undisputed leader is Get Satisfaction, however, their free version is very restrictive, it does not allow something as basic as moderation. The ideal alternative I found was Idea Informer, a service that offers free premium features many of the other services, such as:
  • Moderation of ideas and opinions.
  • Option to use your own sub-domain.
  • Customizing the design.
  • Practically, white label. I mean, we hardly and include your links in the service.
  • Customizable to add to your website and an API if you want to do something more complete Widget.
  • Basic stats.

The service has details to improve, but covers the most common needs nicely. Incidentally, I recently tested with MMFWU as feedback system, you can test it serves and leave your ideas.

The best ideas come from those who have a need and this type of system can be the bridge between you and your readers or users.

Have experience using these services? Do you know other good alternatives?

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