
Boost your Computer Speed with just One Click of a button

10 years ago

Boost your Computer Speed with just One Click of a button   Every now and then our computers get half or slow down that we cannot perform a...

Boost your Computer Speed with just One Click of a button

Every now and then our computers get half or slow down that we cannot perform any task which really irritates us. This normally happens due to wrong registry entries, viruses, malwares or even unnecessary operations or programs running in your system memory. We all know that how critical the RAM(random access memory) in our computer and one way to increase computer memory is by adding USB. But if you have a very limited memory and don’t want to compromise it when you are using a very special program like Photoshop or playing a game or watching a movie than don’t worry we have a solution for you.

The Solution is JetBoost

JetBoost by BlueSprig is an amazing free utility which will free your computer RAM with all unnecessary operations which are not in use and hence your system will speedup in a second. This program is so useful if you are a big fan of graphics designing, audio or video editing, Playing heavy games, watching HD movies etc than this tool will ease your life.
When ever you feel that you computer gets stuck or it’s performing very slowly than press the big Boost button located at the center of the program and you are done. It will instantly remove all unnecessary programs from the memory which results in speed up of your computer. The good thing is that this tool is totally free of cost and compatible with Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP and 2000 including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.


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